onsdag 11 mars 2015

Friends and Freetime

When I moved from Sweden I had to leave my old friends behind, which didn't bother me too much. I have gotten new friends here in Barcelona and in the academy, friends that I have much more fun with since we share the same interests (football), unlike most of my friends in Sweden.

One of the persons that I've gotten to know here is Jacob, he is a very close friend to me. Jacob also plays in Barcelona and we live very close to each other. We live in a classy neighborhood where our club buys houses for their players. I remember the first time I met Jacob, a tall guy with a big smile. It was when I first arrived at the training camp. He showed me around and helped me the first few days, he had been here for a few months before I got here. Before he started in Barcelona he played in Madríd.

On my spare time (between trainings) I like to rest up and just chill at my house. When I have a day off from training, usually the day after I've played a game, I like to hang out with my friends in the city or with my family if they are not at work. When in the city, me and my friends often go to some restaurant and eat lunch. When I am with my family we like to do things together, wether it is going to the cinema or eat lunch.

On longer vacations, when the season is over in the summer or during christmas break, my family and I like to go in trips (as I mentioned in the other text). This summer we went to Quebec in Canada and, just like our trips to Italy, it was beautiful. I had never before left Europe so it was quite the experience, going on long plane rides and all that.

A picture I've taken of the river in Quebec from the Plains of Abraham

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